What happens to asphalt when it’s hot
Asphalt Heat Distress During a heat wave, when your pavement is out in the sun for a long time in very high temperatures, it can be damaged by the sun. During the summer, when it’s hot, and especially when the heat lasts for a long time, the sun’s UV rays can fade the color of […]
Spring Asphalt Maintenance: 5 Essential Steps to Protect Your Pavement
1. LOOK CLOSELY AND DO A VISUAL INSPECTION Take the time to do a thorough visual inspection of your paved areas as soon as the harsh weather of winter is over. Make sure you pay close attention to any damage. Even small cracks can grow into something bigger. As soon as possible, you should fix […]
Asphalt Care & Maintenance in the Spring Jersey City Paving
Preparing Asphalt for Winter
Taking care of asphalt in the winter can be a hard and time-consuming job. But if you or an asphalt expert take good care of it, asphalt can look as good as new for a longer time without the usual harsh wear and tear during the cold winter months. If you don’t take care of […]