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Staying Ahead of the Curve: Trends in Commercial Asphalt Every Contractor Needs to Stay Updated On

Nevertheless, the sector has its share of challenges. In the years ahead, we can anticipate the emergence of new trends alongside the continuation of established ones. The demand for commercial asphalt remains steadfast, promising ongoing transformations that will propel the industry forward.

This guide delves into essential commercial asphalt trends that should be on the radar of every commercial contractor. Continue reading to learn more or reach out Jersey City Paving  right away

The Shortage of Labor Will Persist

The commercial asphalt industry is grappling with a significant challenge – labor scarcity. Many companies are finding it more and more challenging to secure a workforce, and this predicament will likely persist for some time. As a contractor, there are a couple of strategies you can employ to meet the demands of the commercial asphalt market.

Given the labor shortage, optimizing your equipment’s performance becomes imperative in compensating for the deficiency in personnel. Ensuring meticulous maintenance of all your machinery is essential to maximize the return on investment for each asset.

Leveraging technology and automation can offer substantial advantages. These innovations can streamline various processes, effectively reducing the workload on your existing team.

Inflation and Supply Chain Problems Are Upsetting the Commercial Asphalt Industry

In recent years, numerous sectors have grappled with supply chain disruptions. Although the commercial asphalt market wasn’t the initial casualty, it has not escaped unscathed. Notably, products like crack filler and line-marking paint have experienced shortages.

Furthermore, the specter of inflation is exerting upward pressure on commercial asphalt prices, posing a significant challenge for businesses and their clientele. This, in conjunction with labor shortages and supply chain difficulties, is creating formidable obstacles for companies striving to meet their clients’ service requirements.

Gig Workers Will Be Employed Increasingly

Identifying top-tier talent can be a challenging endeavor. In light of this, there are other avenues to explore than traditional recruitment.

Employing temporary personnel can prove advantageous in a range of scenarios. When the need arises for additional hands on a specific project, the rationale behind hiring permanent staff may be insufficient. Temporary workers, on the other hand, can assist in ensuring timely project completion, after which you can revert to your regular team.

These workers can typically be sourced from online labor marketplaces or through staffing agencies. While they may not possess the same level of skills and experience as your core team members, they can contribute effectively to various tasks, facilitating increased productivity within your team.

Increased Need for Pavement Upkeep

Even in the absence of shifts in demand for paving maintenance, the persistence of supply chain challenges would have remained a concern. However, with the upsurge in order, the situation has grown more complex for contractors.

Numerous regions in the United States are witnessing homeowners’ associations striving to address crack repairs and road sealing, but essential materials are in short supply. Additionally, the uptick in commercial construction activities nationwide has further intensified the demand for these services.

Enhancing supply chains to ensure the ready availability of essential materials could facilitate your ability to cater to the needs of those in your locality.

Technological Progress in Commercial Asphalt and Paving Maintenance

Many groups have been actively seeking creative technological solutions to address the issues that the commercial asphalt business is facing. Right now, there’s no shortage of space for innovation and forward-thinking ideas. Advancements in paving technology are poised to foster the industry’s growth.

3D Paving Control Systems

A fundamental requirement for an adequately paved surface is its smooth and uniform finish. 3D paving control systems are revolutionizing this aspect, rendering it more attainable. With this technology, the need for an initial leveling course becomes obsolete, creating a high-quality, even surface with reduced material wastage.


Nanotechnology is beginning to yield benefits in several aspects of the paving industry. For instance, implementing PMTP (paver-mounted thermal profiling) enhances quality control by incorporating features such as temperature monitoring and the remediation of minor cracks.

Autonomous Motor

Self-driving vehicles are presently experiencing a surge in popularity, primarily attracting attention for personal use. Nevertheless, their utility extends to numerous commercial applications as well. Contractors are increasingly recognizing the potential of self-driving vehicles in tasks related to maintenance and paving. It’s anticipated that their prevalence will significantly increase in the years ahead.

Measuring Paving Sites and Automating Asphalt Maintenance

In addition to taking time, measuring work sites by hand is necessary for accurate estimations. Customers may get quotations more quickly and with considerable time savings if this procedure is automated. This method may also increase the productivity of several other jobs, such as crack sealing, sweeping, and car park seal coating.

Regulations’ Effects on Commercial Asphalt

Contractors should be prepared for the impact of regulatory changes, which may be on the horizon in the paving maintenance sector over the next few years. One example of such change is the shift towards gender-neutral premium determinations by insurance companies. Given that the industry predominantly comprises males in their 20s and 30s, this shift could increase costs.

There is also growing pressure to discontinue using environmentally harmful products, which could result in restrictions on substances like refined coal tar sealants. As a contractor, it is essential to remain informed about these evolving regulations to ensure ongoing compliance and the smooth operation of your business.

The Commercial Asphalt Industry’s Future

Although the current commercial asphalt trends mentioned above are the focus, the landscape can evolve. Staying informed about emerging trends and shifts is crucial for the continued effectiveness of your business. Collaborating with property managers can be invaluable in this regard.

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